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race 5..#2 headstrong ways..9-2..6:06 et

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3-27 MVR drill’s boy $20.40 WIN FLS

3-26 TB bonita breeze $7.20 WIN FLS

3-25 PRX bad advice $7.40 pl FLS

3-24 PRX emily’s on fire $15.00 WIN FLS

3-23 AQU asset managment $6.70 pl FLS

3-22 FG tiztastic $17.00 WIN FLS

3-21 TB no telling $8.20 WIN FLS

3-18 WRD out to party $8.60 WIN FREE

3-16 FG moonlight $3.20 WIN FREE

3-14 GP smiling ellie $4.20 WIN FREE

3-13 GP flat top box $8.60 WIN FLS

3-12 GP salted carmel $4.40 WIN FLS

3-9 AQU allenhurst $6.10 WIN FLS

3-8 GP candy quest $8.60 WIN FREE

3-7 OP midway vow $6.80 WIN FREE

3-3 TUP grazed by love $5.40 pl FLS

3-1 SA ang n ash $25.00 WIN FLS

3-1 GP enterdadragon $8.20 pl FLS

2-26 TUP sent by angels $9.80 WIN FLS

2-25 TUP dos vicios $6.60 WIN FLS

2-24 OP what me worry $39.20 WIN FLS

2-23 OP lambeth $5.80 WIN FLS

2-23 GP drop the hammer $30.40 WIN FLS

2-22 SA guiltyofhavingfun $6.60 pl FLS

2-20 GP cocktail kisses $5.40 pl FLS

2-16 FG romany road $15.20 WIN FREE

2-14 FG just say when $7.80 pl FLS

2-13 GP miavana $29.00 WIN FLS

2-13 AQU looking for ginny $7.30 pl FLS

2-12 GP cha cha cukka $7.20 WIN FLS

2-10 PRX zap motion $7.00 WIN FREE

2-9 AQU clover street $11.20 pl FLS

2-5 PRX sister mary lou $9.60 WIN FLS

2-3 PRX faux pas $6.80 pl FREE

2-2 SA ghostly act $33.20 WIN FLS

1-31 SA danzig til dawn $4.80 pl FLS

1-29 TB calvino $4.80 pl FLS

1-28 PRX mischief maxey $6.80 pl FLS

1-24 GP tucson $5.00 WIN FLS

1-24 TB flight of fancy $5.80 WIN FREE

1-23 SA lady mendalssohn $5.20 WIN FLS

1-21 TUP she’s so shinny $7.60 WIN FLS

1-20 FG trouble in love $5.20 WIN FREE

1-17 OP classic car wash $13.40 WIN FREE

1-14 TUP drink and a wink $5.40 WIN FLS

1-12 GP epona’s hope $15.40 WIN FLS

1-12 GP gianlusa be lucky $5.60 WIN FLS

1-11 TB chrome ghost $8.00 WIN FLS

1-11 GP eton $9.80 WIN FLS

1-7 TUP she’s a bossy girl $9.00 pl FREE

1-7 GP neblina $13.40 WIN FLS

1-6 TUP picahouse $5.60 pl FLS

1-5 AQU just licorice $5.60 WIN FLS

1-4 AQU lets fight $6.50 pl FLS

1-3 TB palace lights $5.60 pl FLS

1-3 TB glamourcents $4.80 pl FLS

1-2 AQU burn rubber $7.50 WIN FLS

1-1 TP on tap $6.80 WIN FREE

12-27 FG touch of glam $14.60 WIN FLS

12-27 GP crimson $7.60 pl FLS

12-23 TUP fleetridge $5.00 pl FLS

12-20 FG from scratch $5.60 WIN FREE

12-19 TUP magens bay $6.60 WIN FREE

12-19 FG risk manager $9.40 WIN FLS

12-18 PEN sweet spite $7.80 WIN FLS

12-17 TUP midnight approval $7.00 pl FLS

12-16 TUP pop d’oro $10.20 WIN FLS

12-14 LRL brighty $6.00 pl FLS

12-14 GP kakes tap dancer $12.60 WIN FLS

12-10 TUP candy caballo $4.00 WIN FLS

12-9 TUP gi gis map $5.80 WIN FLS

12-6 FG fit to fly $4.60 WIN FLS

12-4 TB era $10.20 WIN FLS

12-3 TUP chirg $3.40 WIN FLS

12-2 PRX angel of harlem $3.60 WIN FLS

11-27 FL one wiyheverything $7.40 pl FREE

11-26 PRX rerally $11.40 WIN FREE

11-25 FL classical $10.40 WIN FREE

11-22 FG tough little nut $4.40 WIN FREE

11-20 TB misspent $5.40 pl FREE

11-17 SA journalism $11.80 WIN FREE

11-16 GP secret chat $5.20 WIN FREE

11-16 DMR hey jessie $8.80 WIN FREE

11-9 AQU focus pocus $7.50 WIN FREE

11-8 CD paris lily $4.30 WIN FREE

11-6 DD maximum grace $6.60 pl FLS

10-29 IND royal justice $9.80 WIN FLS

10-26 GP bellavinino $5.20 pl FREE

10-24 LRL juice $5.60 pl FLS

10-23 IND man of quality $10.00 pl FLS

10-19 BAQ sounds like a plan $7.30 WIN FLS

10-17 DEL honor the cross $8.80 WIN FLS

10-17 KEE bedard $11.72 WIN FLS

10-13 GP smart beauty $4.80 pl FLS

10-12 BAQ top of the table $10.20 WIN FLS

10-7 PRX jacohare $6.40 WIN FREE

10-6 BAQ pookie $16.60 WIN FREE

10-4 KEE test score $6.74 WIN FREE

10-1 PRX navy rules $7.80 WIN FREE

9-28 GP blaze of color $9.40 WIN FLS

9-25 DEL contempation $3.40 WIN FLS

9-21 MED forest fuel $9.20 pl FLS

9-20 PID bucaro $10.00 WIN FREE

9-19 BAQ mazzei $10.80 WIN FLS

9-18 FL curlin’s hustle $7.90 WIN FLS

9-16 PRX scamp walker $5.40 WIN FLS

9-15 BAQ jitterbug $6.20 pl FLS

9-14 BAQ barricade $7.30 WIN FLS

9-14 BAQ quite continental $7.80 WIN FREE

9-13 CD papa yo $5.10 WIN FLS

9-11 PRX dream knight $6.20 pl FLS

9-10 FE vitality $20.10 WIN FLS

9-8 KD black iron $16.88 WIN FLS

9-7 KD dripping gold $9.38 WIN FREE

9-6 IND swan house $4.40 WIN FLS

9-5 DMR toppers wager $14.60 pl FLS

9-5 COL hit song $10.60 pl FLS

9-5 KD look to the cross $7.66 WIN FREE

9-4 COL gotta have a guy $16.00 WIN FLS

9-4 FL croagh patrick $7.70 WIN FLS

9-3 PRX seeyouatthehop $6.60 WIN FLS

9-2 PRX alma brilha $6.80 WIN FREE

9-1 SAR pyrenees $8.60 pl FREE

8-30 SAR emirates road $5.20 WIN FLS

8-29 DMR annie”s hope $9.40 WIN FREE

8-28 SAR outtawaterbury $21.20 WIN FLS

8-25 MTH summer flower $8.60 WIN FREE

8-24 ELP duke of duval $9.42 pl FREE

8-21 SAR big prankster $7.90 WIN FREE

8-21 PRX must be love $14.80 WIN FREE

8-19 IND cha cha chukka $5.00 WIN FREE

8-18 SAR better humor me $5.20 pl FREE

8-17 DMR medoro $4.80 pl FREE

8-16 COL aspen dawn $8.60 WIN FREE

8-15 SAR never really know $7.00 pl FREE

8-13 COL watering $9.20 WIN FREE

8-11 DMR duran $8.60 WIN FREE

8-10 SAR banned for life $8.70 WIN FREE

98-9 DMR bolt on the rocks $11.20 pl FREE

98-8 WO wild queenie $7.70 WIN FREE

8-7 SAR tiz puple $13.00 WIN FREE

-8-6 LAD mid west fun $5.80 WIN FREE

8-5 ELP giocose $4.04 WIN FREE

8-4 WO diomedes $13.30 WIN FREE